Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Tetragrammaton
at the temple of Soleb at Nubia
(Amenhotep [Amenophis] III) /

Το Τετραγράμματο
στο ναό της Σόλεμπ της Νουβίας
(Φαραώ Αμενχοτέπ [Αμένωφις] Γ')

«The localization of the "Land of the Shasu" in the mountainous districts of Se'ir east of the Arabah has an interesting consequence for one name in the mentioned lists from Soleb and Amarah—"Yhw (in) the land of the Shasu." For half a century it has been generally admitted that we have here the tetragrammaton, the name of the Israelite god, "Yahweh"; and if this be the case, as it undoubtedly is, the passage constitutes a most precious indication of the whereabouts during the late fifteenth century B.C. of an enclave revering this god. And while it would be wrong to jump to the conclusion that "Israel" as known from the period of the Judges or the early monarchy was already in existence in Edom at this time, one cannot help but recall the numerous passages in later Biblical tradition that depict Yahweh "coming forth from Se'ir" and originating in Edom. The only reasonable conclusion is that one major component in the later amalgam that constituted Israel, and the one with whom the worship of Yahweh originated, must be looked for among the Shasu of Edom already at the end of the fifteenth century B.C.»

* Donald B. Redford,
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times
[Αίγυπτος, Χαναάν και Ισραήλ στους Αρχαίους Χρόνους],
Princeton University Press, 1993,
pp./σσ. 272, 273.

* Bernhard Grdseloff,
«Edôm, d'après les sources égyptiennes»
Ο Εδώμ, σύμφωνα με τις αιγυπτιακές πηγές»],
Revue de I'Histoire Juive en Egypte 1 1947,
pp./σσ. 79-82.
[French/Γαλλικά, HTML/JPG]

* Ελεύθερο Βήμα,
«Το όνομα Γιαχβέ σε Αιγυπτιακά Ιερογλυφικά κείμενα»,
Ιούλιος-Σεπτέμβριος 2010,
pp./σσ. 16, 17.
[Greek/Ελληνικά, PDF]

* Η Σκοπιά,
«Το Όνομα του Θεού, Ιεχωβά, σε Αιγυπτιακό Ναό»,
1 Μαΐου 2010,
pp./σσ. 21, 22.
[Greek/Ελληνικά, PDF]

* Image source / Πηγή εικόνας:

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