Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Johannine ‘I am’ sayings
& Yahweh /

Τα ιωάννεια "Ἐγώ εἰμι" λόγια
& ο Γιαχβέ

Williams goes far beyond the treatments of Jewish texts in previous studies, analyzing also their developed interpretations within Judaism. As a result, the predominant Hebrew scripture rendering of Yahweh’s ánî hû pronouncements should be ‘I am he’ rather than ‘I am’. In showing the extensive ways in which Yahweh’s assurances of provision for Israel are associated with his self declarations, Williams argues that the I-am sayings in Mark and in John are connected not to the theophany of Yahweh before Moses and the burning bush (Exod. 3.14), but with Yahweh’s assurances of guidance and provision for Israel elsewhere. The significance of Williams’ contribution is that it clarifies the prevalent I-am claims of Yahweh in scripture, connecting the saving action of Yahweh—rather than his divine being—with Jesus’ I-am sayings in John.

"The Origin and Development of the Johannine Egō Eimi Sayings in Cognitive-Critical Perspective",
["Η Προέλευση και η Εξέλιξη των Ιωάννειων Εγώ Ειμι Λογίων από Γνωσιοκριτικής Έποψης"]
p./σ. 162 (139–206).

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