“Die Bibel, deren Gott Jahveh heißt,
ist die Bibel eines Volkes;
die Bibel, deren Gott κύριος [HERR] heißt,
ist die Weltbibel.”
“The Bible whose God is named Yahweh
is the Bible of a nation,
the Bible whose God is named κύριος [LORD]
is a universal Bible.”
«Η Βίβλος της οποίας ο Θεός ονομάζεται Γιαχβέ
είναι η Βίβλος ενός έθνους,
η Βίβλος της οποίας ο Θεός ονομάζεται Κύριος
είναι παγκόσμια Βίβλος».
— Adolf Gustav Deissmann,
"Die Hellenisierung des semitischen Monotheismus"
[Ο εξελληνισμός του σημιτικού μονοθεϊσμού],
Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum,
vol./τόμ. 11, 1903, p./σ. 174.
ist die Bibel eines Volkes;
die Bibel, deren Gott κύριος [HERR] heißt,
ist die Weltbibel.”
“The Bible whose God is named Yahweh
is the Bible of a nation,
the Bible whose God is named κύριος [LORD]
is a universal Bible.”
«Η Βίβλος της οποίας ο Θεός ονομάζεται Γιαχβέ
είναι η Βίβλος ενός έθνους,
η Βίβλος της οποίας ο Θεός ονομάζεται Κύριος
είναι παγκόσμια Βίβλος».
— Adolf Gustav Deissmann,
"Die Hellenisierung des semitischen Monotheismus"
[Ο εξελληνισμός του σημιτικού μονοθεϊσμού],
Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum,
vol./τόμ. 11, 1903, p./σ. 174.
ReplyDeletewhat Deißmann is saying here, is thoroughly in support of the substitute kyrios. On the other side, he explains how it became a part of the Greek OT. At the end of the facsimile he mocks on Aquilas use of PIPI in his rendering of the Greek OT. It would be interesting to see, how he arguments on that.
It's really interesting, that even 110 years ago religious people became enemies of the personal name of God, mostly because of anti-Semitic reasons.
Anti-semitism played a major role in the disappearing of the Tetragrammaton in the Christian literature. Whatever seemed to be a Judaizing practice was discredited and eventually destroyed after the 4th century CE. Modern scientists have expressed, as well, similar anti-Jewish ideas.