Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Isaac Newton
on worshipping the true God /

Ο Ισαάκ Νεύτων
περί της λατρείας του μόνου αληθινού Θεού

The death mask of Sir Isaac Newton

This God is called by several names in several respects, as Iehova, Iah, He that is & was & is to come, in respect of his ever living: Elohim, El, God & Lord & King in respect of his dominion & power over us who in the same respect are called the servants of God: Creator & ffather in respect of his being the first cause & author of all things. To this God &c. To this God & to him alone we are to pray for what we want: And this is his privilege above all other beings that we may pray to him without his appearing to us, & we are to do it by way of acknowledgement that he & he alone is always present without ever appearing & hears & sees & knows all we say or do without ever being heard or seen. To other beings which move from place to place & sometimes appear we may safely speak when ever they appear to us. But the worship which is due to the God of Abraham we are to give to no other {being} least we make a step towards atheism. ffor all idolatry tends to atheism. And for the same reason we are to ascribe nothing impossible contradictious absurd indecent or foolish to his nature or actions. This God we are to love with all our heart & with all our soul & with all our mind. This the first & great commandment

* 'Irenicum, or Ecclesiastical Polyty tending to Peace' 38.

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