
Monday, September 3, 2018

Rendering of the Tetragrammaton
in William G. MacDonald's
The Idiomatic Translation of the New Testament

Απόδοση του Τετραγράμματου
στην The Idiomatic Translation of the New Testament
του William G. MacDonald

Matthew 1:20-25

20 While he was mulling over the whole situation, Yahveh's messenger surprised him by appearing and speaking in a dream: Joseph, descendant of David, do not be apprehensive about accepting Mary as your wife, for that which is spirit generated is holy.
21 She will give birth to a son. You are to call his name Jesus, for in keeping with the meaning of his name, 'he will save' his people from their sins.
22 All this occurred that Yahveh's word through his prophet might be fulfilled:
23 Notice: The virgin will conceive and bear a son. His identity will be Immanuel. That designator means literally: with us [is] God.
24 When Joseph got up after sleep, he did as Yahveh's messenger directed. He took his wife as his companion,
25 yet he did not have intimate relations with her until her son was born. He named him Jesus.

MIT — The Idiomatic Translation of the New Testament

Copyright © 2006 by William Graham MacDonald

Prepublication edition; June 28, 2006

Included in the BibleWorks 8 software.