
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Απόστολος (GA Lect 162)
του 12ου αιώνα
χωρίς το Κόμμα Ιωάννου/

Apostolos (GA Lect 162)
of 12th cent.
without the Johannine Comma

GA Lect 162 fol. 187b


Matt13weedhacker said...

Dear Brother. I love your posts on 1st John 5:7. It seems we have a common interest. Please see: https://thefathersmonarchy.wordpress.com/

I have much much more on my computer, yet to go online.

digiSapientia said...

Dear Matt13weedhacker, thank you very much!
You do excellent work at your blog!
Looking forward to your next posts.
