And the word was God,] more lit. 'and
a God (i.e. a Divine Being) was the Word,'
that is, he was existing and recognized as such.
καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος,] πιο κυριολεκτικά
'και Θεός (δηλ. Θεϊκό Ον) ήταν ο Λόγος',
δηλαδή, υφίστατο και αναγνωριζόταν ως τέτοιος.
'και Θεός (δηλ. Θεϊκό Ον) ήταν ο Λόγος',
δηλαδή, υφίστατο και αναγνωριζόταν ως τέτοιος.
Concise Commentary on the Holy Bible:
Being a Companion to the New Translation of the Old and New Covenants,
Being a Companion to the New Translation of the Old and New Covenants,
G.A. Young & Company, 1865, p. 54.