
Thursday, November 7, 2019

The end of the world
is coming in 14 years, that is in 838 / 

Το τέλος του κόσμου
έρχεται σε 14 χρόνια, δηλ. το έτος 838



But because this day is rolled back in the calculation, many Lord’s Days are produced. We do not know when the Resurrection may be: in which season, in what year, in which hour, in which day, in which era. Whether it may be less than these 14 years away, only God knows. [...]

So as it was written above, every Catholic ought to understand and expect and also fear those 14 years as if he believed [the end would come] the same hour; and day and night, in ashes and hairshirt, thus himself lament the destruction of the world. And not to seek beyond, about the computation of the years, and not to seek to track down the Day of the end of the age or the season before, which nobody knows except God alone.

* Βεάτος / Beatus of Liébana (c. 730 – c. 800), Σχολιολόγιο στην Αποκάλυψη - Sancti Beati presbyteri hispani Liebanensis in Apocalypsin (ed. 1770). (transl.)

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