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Dated in the early 3rd cent. CE or 5th cent. CE /
Χρονολόγηση στις αρχές του 3ου αι. ΚΧ ή στον 5ο αι. ΚΧ
Ἰά [יה, Γιαχ] Ἢλ
[אל, Θεός] Προστάτης
σὺν Υἱῷ Ἰωσούᾳ [יהושע, Ιησούς] Ἄρχ(οντι)
σὺν Υἱῷ Ἰωσούᾳ [יהושע, Ιησούς] Ἄρχ(οντι)
Yah [יה, Jah] El [אל, God] the Protector
with his Son Joshua [יהושע, Jesus] the Prince
with his Son Joshua [יהושע, Jesus] the Prince
Θεὸς βοηθός, ? πατέλλα ΔΟ̣[·]
- οἱ ὑποτεταγμέ-
- νοι τῆς δεκαν(ίας)
- τῶν φιλομαθῶ̣[ν]
- 5τῶν κὲ παντευλόγ̣( ... ων)
- εἰς ἀπενθησίαν
- τῷ πλήθι ἔκτισα[ν]
- ἐξ ἱδίων μνῆμα
--------- Ἰαηλ προστάτης
- 10 v. σὺν υἱῷ Ἰωσούᾳ ἄρχ(οντι)
- Θεόδοτος Παλατῖν(?ος) σὺν
- v. υἱῷ Ἱλαριανῷ v.
- Σαμουηλ ἀρχιδ(?έκανος) προσήλ(υτος)
- Ἰωσῆς Ἰεσσέου v.
- 15 Βενιαμιν ψαλμο(?λόγος)
- Ἰούδας εὔκολος v.
- Ἰωσῆς προσήλυ(τος)
- Σαββάτιος Ἀμαχίου
- Ἐμμόνιος θεοσεβ(ής) v. v.
- 20 Ἀντωνῖνος θεοσεβ(ής)
- Σαμουηλ Πολιτιανοῦ
- Εἰωσήφ Εὐσεβίου προσήλυτος
- καὶ Εἰούδας Θεοδώρου
- καὶ Ἀντιπέος Ἑρμήου
- 25καὶ Σαβάθιος νεκτάρις
- [?κα]ὶ Σ̣α̣μ̣ο̣<υ>ηλ πρεσ-
- β̣ε̣υ̣τ̣ὴ̣ς̣ ἱ̣ε̣ρ̣ε̣ύ̣ς̣
God help us. Donors to the soup kitchen. Below are listed the members of the decany of the students of the law, also known as those who fervently praise God, who erected, for the relief of suffering in the community, at their personal expense, this memorial (building). // Jael, prostates, with her son Josua, magistrate, Theodotos, former palace employee, with his son Hilarianos, Samuel, president of the dekania, a proselyte, Joses, son of Jesseas, Benjamin, the psalm singer, Judas the good-tempered, Joses, proselyte, Sabbatios, son of Amchios, Emmonios, godfearer, Antoninos, godfearer, Samuel, son of Politianos, Joseph, son of Eusebios, proselyte, and Judas, son of Theodoros, and Antipeos, son of Hermias, and Sabbatios the sweet, and Samuel the older, priest.
* Inscription information: / Πληροφορίες για την επιγραφή:
Inscriptions of Aphrodisias Project,
"11.55. List of Jews and godfearers"
[11.55. Κατάλογος Ιουδαίων και θεοσεβών].
* See also: / Βλέπε επίσης:
- Joyce Maire Reynolds, Robert F. Tannenbaum,
Jews and God-fearers at Aphrodisias: Greek inscriptions with commentary : texts from the excavations at Aphrodisias,
University of Virginia/Cambridge Philological Society, 1987.
- Margaret H. Williams,
"The Jews and Godfearers Inscription from Aphrodisias: A Case of Patriarchal Interference in Early 3rd Century Caria?",
Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, pp./σσ. 297-310.
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