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Differences in the elapsed times between early events in the Septuagint and Massoretic texts, from Creation to the arrival of Abraham in Canaan. / Διαφορές στα μεσοδιαστήματα μεταξύ των πρώιμων γεγονότων στα κείμενα της Εβδομήκοντα και του Μασοριτικού, από τη Δημιουργία μέχρι την άφιξη του Αβραάμ στη Χαναάν. |
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Frequency histogram of 156 estimated ages of the Earth, drawn from data published by William Hales (1809, vol. 1 pp. 211-214). These various estimates were based largely, though not exclusively, on Biblical sources, and ranged in date of origin from 94 CE to 1800 CE. Histogram peaks at 4000 BCE and 5500 BCE reflect clusters of concentration on the Massoretic and Septuagint texts. / Ιστόγραμμα συχνότητας 156 εκτιμόμεμων υπολογισμών της ηλικίας της γης, με βάση τα δεδομένα που εκδόθηκαν από τον William Hales (1809, τόμ. 1 σσ. 211-214). Αυτοί οι ποικίλοι εκτιμόμενοι υπολογισμοί στηρίχτηκαν κυρίως, μολονότι όχι αποκλειστικά, σε Βιβλικές πηγές, και η χρονολογία τους ξεκινάει από το 94 ΚΧ ως το 1800 ΚΧ. Οι κορυφές του ιστογράμματος στο 4000 ΠΚΧ και στο 5500 ΠΚΧ. αντικατοπτρίζουν συγκεντρωτικά σμήνη βάσει των κειμένων της Εβδομήκοντα και του Μασοριτικού. |
Before the hills in order stood:
the beginning of the geology of time in England
2 Oak Tree Close, Rodmell Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 5SS, UK
Abstract: That order should govern the nature of the world is an idea not confined to England, though the history of science in this country demonstrates again and again that a conception of Divine Order lay at its heart. To people of earlier days, want of order implied confusion, displacement, derangement, time out of joint, even the presence of malevolent power - 'when the planets in evil mixture to disorder wander'. The divine scheme revealed by scripture was a frame and support for Earth science. It told an indisputable story of an ordered beginning, a diluvial reordering, and a future end in dissolution. It was a story backed by secular law, and no thinking person could have been unaware of it. Yet 'when' and 'how' were legitimate questions, answered in detail by hexaemeron writers. It is an educational curiosity in England that a particular Biblical chronology drawn up in 1650 accompanied scriptures printed for use in schools until 1885 - a matter of consequence to the history of all geological thought in this country.
* John G. C. M. Fuller,
«Before the hills in order stood: the beginning of the geology of time in England»,
Cherry Lewis & Simon J. Knell,
The Age of the Earth: From 4004 BC to 2002 AD,
Geological Society Special Publication, No. 190, Geological Society of London, 2001,
pp./σσ. 15-23
«Before the hills in order stood: the beginning of the geology of time in England»,
Cherry Lewis & Simon J. Knell,
The Age of the Earth: From 4004 BC to 2002 AD,
Geological Society Special Publication, No. 190, Geological Society of London, 2001,
pp./σσ. 15-23
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